Mewtwo in Pokémon GO

How to catch Mewtwo in Pokémon GO

Mewtwo has been one of the most sought-after legendaries in the game. For a long time, trainers have been trying to catch him in Pokémon GO. Although the chances are slim, it is possible if you’re lucky enough. If you’re wondering how to catch Mewtwo in Pokémon GO or getting Shadow Mewtwo as your reward, keep reading. But before that, let’s discuss some tips on how to catch Mewtwo in pokémon go. The article is presented by

How to catch Mewtwo in Pokemon Go

Mewtwo in Pokémon GO

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– Mewtwo is a rare Pokémon that can only be captured in special conditions.

– To catch Mewtwo, players will need to use specific moves and items.

– There are several ways to find and capture Mewtwo in Pokemon Go.

– First, players can use stardust to discover Pokémon appearing at special locations or encounter them using a raid boss raid. Secondly, they can use incense to attract new Pokémon to a particular area and finally, they can use a lucky egg to obtain a rare encounter. After catching Mewtwo, players can use it in battle or trade it with other players.

– Players should note that Mewtwo is not easy to catch and requires careful planning and strategizing. Besides, players should be aware of the time frame required for capturing the legendary Pokémon. Read also: snom evolution

How To Get Shadow Mewtwo

To get Shadow Mewtwo in Pokémon GO, you will need to defeat the Elite Four of the Pokémon League and challenge Shadow Mewtwo in a special raid battle. Once you’ve defeated the Elite Four, you can then explore dark areas and use your intuition to determine where Shadow Mewtwo is located. If you are unsuccessful in defeating Shadow Mewtwo, there is a chance that he may appear in a regular trainer battle. However, if you are still unable to find Shadow Mewtwo, there is always the chance that he may show up as a gift from other players. Regardless of how you obtain him, it’s important to note that Shadow Mewtwo is one of the rarest raid bosses in Pokémon GO and should be treated with respect.

Tips for catching Mewtwo in Pokémon GO

In Pokémon GO, Mewtwo is one of the hardest Pokémon to capture. If you want to catch Mewtwo, you’ll need to be prepared and know how to play the game. Here are some tips on catching Mewtwo in Pokémon GO.

-Start by locating Mewtwo in the game’s Sinnoh region.

-Use powerful moves and items to help you catch Mewtwo.

-Be patient—Mewtwo is one of the hardest Pokémon to catch.

-Use a buddy system to help you catch Mewtwo faster.

-Use a communication tool such as PokéVision to help coordinate with your friends while playing the game.

By following these tips, you can easily catch Mewtwo in Pokémon GO!


To be fair, catching Mewtwo is no easy feat in Pokémon GO. However, with a bit of luck, research, and practice, you can eventually unlock the mythical Pokémon’s special moves and other legendary traits. If you’re willing to put in the effort, we’re certain you’ll succeed. To get an edge over other players, it might help to study the locations where Mewtwo has been spotted in-game so far. Outline more tips here.

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