targeted Instagram advertising

How much does targeted Instagram advertising cost

If you’re looking to advertise on Instagram, the first thing you’ll need to do is decide where your target audience is. If your customers are based in the USA and Canada, you’ll be able to use Instagram’s built-in targeting features. This means that if you select North American users as your target audience, Instagram will show your ad only to people who live in the US or Canada (and don’t have European IP addresses). The article is presented by

Targeting your audience

targeted Instagram advertising

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The most important part of Instagram advertising is targeting. The best way to target your audience is by using demographic data, interests, and behavior.

You can do this by selecting from a variety of options in the advanced targeting section. You can select age ranges or genders, for example; you could also choose the location or job title as well as specific interests like food or travel if your product appeals to those areas specifically. Discover the function of advertising.

How much does targeted Instagram advertising cost?

The cost of running a targeted Instagram advertising campaign depends on the type of campaign you run and the number of impressions you want to get.

In order to determine a rough estimate for your targeted Instagram advertising costs, we need to look at three main factors:

  • The size of your audience (in terms of followers)
  • The size of your competitors’ audiences (in terms of followers)

What factors affect the cost of Instagram ads?

The cost of Instagram ads is determined by many factors, including:

  • The type of ad you want to create. Ads can be targeted based on location, age, gender, and interests. Ads that target users with specific interests will usually cost more than broad-based campaigns. You can also choose from different types of ads such as video or photo posts (which show a static image) and carousel ads (that display multiple images in a row).
  • How many people do you want to reach with your campaign? This is known as your target audience size or audience reach; it’s the number of people who see your ad when they browse Instagram within its target location(s) during the time period specified by you in advance (e.g., 7 days). If this number seems too low for what you have in mind then consider increasing it so that more people see what they need help finding out about through an easy-to-read message delivered straight into their newsfeeds!

The demographics of your audience

The demographics of your audience are important because they’ll help you decide who to target, which in turn will determine how much to spend on your campaign. For example, if you’re trying to sell fitness products and services, it makes sense for you to focus on people living in cities with large populations–people like me! But if your business is based in rural areas or small towns (like many of my family members), then chances are slim that these folks have any interest in buying what you’re selling.

I also recommend paying attention to gender since there are differences between how men and women use social media platforms: For example, women tend not only to look at more posts than men do but also engage directly with brands more often than guys do when viewing photos or videos shared by those companies’ Pages (which means more opportunities for engagement).

Where your customers are based

You need to know where your customers are based and where your targeted audience lives. If you’re targeting an audience in a specific city, then it makes sense to advertise there.

If your competitors are based in a particular location, then advertising in that same area may be beneficial for you as well.


Hopefully, after reading this article, you have a better understanding of how much targeted Instagram advertising costs. It’s important to keep in mind that there are many factors that affect the cost of Instagram ads, and these will vary from brand to brand depending on their audience demographics and goals. If you want to get started with targeted Instagram advertising, then we recommend checking out our free trial offer here!

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