How do you reset Pokemon

How do you reset Pokemon?

Have you ever found yourself wanting to start fresh in your Pokémon game? Whether you’re looking to replay a favorite title or simply want to experience the thrill of building a new team, resetting your Pokémon game can be an exciting endeavor. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of resetting Pokémon games and provide valuable tips to enhance your reset experience. So, grab your Poké Balls and get ready for a fresh start! The content is presented by

What Does It Mean to Reset a Pokémon Game?

Resetting a Pokémon game refers to erasing all saved data and returning the game to its initial state. By resetting, you essentially wipe out all progress, including your Pokémon team, items, and in-game achievements. If you’re wondering how to reset pokemon x, don’t worry, it’s easy to do. This action allows you to embark on a new adventure and start from scratch.

Reasons to Reset a Pokémon Game

There are several reasons why you might consider resetting your Pokémon game:


Resetting a Pokémon game allows you to replay the storyline, relive the excitement of capturing Pokémon, and experience the joy of exploring the game world once again.

Building a New Team

Starting fresh gives you the opportunity to assemble a new team of Pokémon with different abilities and movesets. It’s a chance to experiment with different strategies and create a unique lineup.

Nuzlocke Challenges

Nuzlocke challenges have gained popularity among Pokémon fans. These self-imposed rules add an extra layer of difficulty to the game, such as only being allowed to catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area. Resetting your game enables you to embark on a Nuzlocke challenge with a clean slate.

How to Reset a Pokémon Game

The process of resetting a Pokémon game varies depending on the console and the specific game you’re playing. Here’s a general outline of the steps involved:

Save Your Current Game

Before resetting, make sure to save your current game progress. This will allow you to return to your original save file if desired.

Access the Main Menu

Navigate to the main menu of your Pokémon game. This is typically achieved by pressing the appropriate button combination or selecting the corresponding option from the in-game menu.

Select “New Game” or “Restart”

Within the main menu, look for the option to start a new game or restart. The exact wording may vary between games, but it should be clear that this action will erase all existing data.

Confirm the Reset

The game will prompt you to confirm the reset. Take a moment to ensure you want to proceed, as this action cannot be undone. If you’re certain, confirm the reset.

Follow the Setup Instructions

After resetting, you’ll be guided through the initial game setup, such as choosing your character’s name, gender, and other settings. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

Tips for a Successful Reset Experience

To make the most out of your Pokémon game reset, consider the following tips:

Experiment with Different Starter Pokémon

When starting a new game, you’ll have the opportunity to select your starter Pokémon once again. Try choosing a different Pokémon than your previous playthrough to add variety to your team.

Trade Pokémon with FriendsHow do you reset Pokemon

If you have friends who also play Pokémon, consider trading Pokémon with them after your reset. This can help you obtain unique Pokémon early on and diversify your team.

Set Challenges and Goals

To keep your reset playthrough engaging, set personal challenges or goals. For example, you could aim to complete the Pokédex or beat the game using only a specific type of Pokémon.

Utilize Online Resources

Take advantage of online resources, such as forums and guides, to discover new strategies, learn about rare Pokémon locations, and stay updated on the latest game events.

Enjoy the Journey

Remember to have fun! Starting a new Pokémon game is an exciting adventure, so take your time to immerse yourself in the world, appreciate the captivating storyline, and enjoy the bond you form with your new Pokémon partners.


Resetting a Pokémon game opens the door to new experiences, challenges, and opportunities. Whether you’re looking to relive nostalgic memories or embark on a fresh journey, resetting allows you to shape a unique Pokémon adventure. So, if you’re ready for a reset, follow the outlined steps, apply the tips provided, and prepare to be captivated once again by the world of Pokémon!


Q1: Can I reset my Pokémon game on any console?

Yes, you can reset Pokémon games on various consoles, including Nintendo handhelds like the Game Boy, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo Switch.

Q2: Will resetting my Pokémon game delete my saved Pokémon in Pokémon Home?

No, resetting your Pokémon game only affects the save data on the specific game cartridge or console. Pokémon stored in Pokémon Home will remain intact.

Q3: Can I transfer Pokémon from my reset game to another game?

Yes, you can transfer Pokémon from your reset game to another compatible Pokémon game. However, certain restrictions and conditions may apply depending on the games and consoles involved.

Q4: Are there any benefits to resetting a Pokémon game?

Resetting a Pokémon game provides the opportunity for replayability, starting with a new team, and undertaking self-imposed challenges like Nuzlocke runs.

Q5: Can I reset my Pokémon game multiple times?

Yes, you can reset your Pokémon game as many times as you like. Each reset gives you a chance to approach the game from a different perspective and create unique experiences.

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